Pop Up Clinics
Pop-up clinics are used for when our Ice Barn staff is in town and able to give you a specific clinic to variable fundamentals through to advanced techniques used in the higher levels based on data research.
Pop Up Clinics
Ice Barn Indy
17341 Westfield Park Road
Westfield, IN

March/April Combo Clinic
Are your Saturday mornings free? Sign-up for this clinic to improve the three aspects of hockey that apply to all ages: body contact/puck protection, shooting, and skating. Spots are limited.
Girls Skills Sessions
3/23 3/30 4/4
6:00p - 7:00p
RegisterMarch/April Combo Clinic
--March/April Saturday Combo Clinic--
This program will involve three aspects of the game outlined for every age possible: body contact/puck protection, shooting, and skating. The emphasis for this program will be on body contact. How to receive and give contact and how to protect the puck are some of the most important aspects of the game. The last portion will focus on skating and shooting.
Body contact/puck protection (9:30a - 10:15a)
Skating/edge control/shooting (10:15a - 11:00a)
March 15, 22, 29
April 5, 19, 26
$450 for all 6 sessions
Drop-in cost: $100 per session